Ongoing, updated info about visiting Just Food Community Farm

Rules change throughout each season. Please check back regularly.Each person visiting the Just Food Community Farm is responsible for knowing and following the rules.Guest visitors to the farm visit at your own risk, and if not following the rules will be considered trespassing and asked to leave. Rules for visiting Just Food Community Farm All current COVID rules […]

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS – How to Start a Community Garden

Join us on April 29th or May 1st, 2021 and learn about the steps involved in starting a community garden. How to search for land, what is essential when starting a community garden, the support available, tips for organizing and much more!

2021 CSA Farm Guide

Are you looking for fresh produce from a local farm to your table, all summer long? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes are a great way to connect with and support local farmers, by ordering your seasonal produce in advance. CSA farms usually offer weekly delivery or pick-up of vegetables. CSA shares can also include meat, […]

Input into Ottawa City Council’s decision on the urban boundary expansion

Tomorrow, Ottawa City Council will meet to vote on recommendations made at a joint meeting of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and the Planning committee, in late January. The recommendations include the selection of lands slated for development in a new, expanded urban boundary. These decisions are significant, difficult to overturn, and therefore will have a […]

People’s Official Plan calls on Ottawa City Council to defer urban expansion decision

PRESS RELEASETuesday, February 9, 2021 (OTTAWA) – Representatives from the People’s Official Plan¹ – a coalition of community and  environmental groups focused on strengthening climate action and equity in Ottawa’s new Official Plan – are calling on Ottawa City Council to defer a major decision regarding urban expansion. Currently, Council’s decision is scheduled for February 10, […]

Two Dates in February 2021 | WORKSHOP How to Start a Community Garden

community garden

Join us on Feb 16 OR Feb 20, 2021 and learn about the steps involved in starting a community garden. How to search for land, what is essential when starting a community garden, the supports available, tips for organizing and much more! Suitable for new gardens, or existing gardens looking to onboard new volunteer coordinators! […]

Farm-specific Value-add Training

Starting in March we will offer a training series Adding Value to your Farm with sessions including: Adding a commercial kitchen component onto the farm; Equipment options in Ottawa Kitchen for farmers;  Sourcing local food products for food businesses Keep an eye on this space for the latest updates and details on dates, trainers, and […]

Greenhouse Training


Organic Seedling Production On Saturday, January 23 and Sunday, January 24 — from 9-12 both days — we are offering a 2-session intensive workshop for those looking to learn greenhouse production of organic seedlings. These sessions are led by Sophie Clark of Trout Lily Organic Seedlings, and cover topics from operations to configurations (irrigation to ventilation) […]

Ottawa (virtual) Screening of Gather

For anyone who missed the first screening of Gather — a film that celebrates and honours the critical and leading role Indigenous peoples play in protecting biodiversity on Earth as the basis of our shared food — we hope you can join the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and Just Food for a second and […]