The 1st annual Soldiers Helping Soldiers Potato Project Collection Time has ARRIVED

Soldiers helping Soldiers (SHS) will have a potato collection booth at the Orleans Rib Fest located in the Centrum Plaza on Saturday, September 17th from 9 am to 3 pm to collect potatoes. SHS will be collecting potatoes participants have grown, potatoes people have purchased to donate to this cause and items for the Shepherds of Good Hope (peanut butter, jam, cereal and coffee are in desperate need right now). SHS will also have members from Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare / Support Our Troops on hand selling raffle tickets on a new car in support of Veterans House (a project to house 40 homeless veterans right here in Ottawa)

Where: Centrum Plaza, Orléans
When: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Hope to see you there!

Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program