February 2018 Newsletter

February 2018 Newsletter

Food News and Events in the Ottawa Region

Just Food News and Events

1. March 12, 19, 28 | 10 Metre Diet – Backyard Food Production

2. March 13 | Permaculture Workshop

3. April 29 | Celebrate 15 years with Just Food! 

4. Food Distribution Options enhanced at Ottawa Food Hub 

5. Ottawa Seed library – Gearing up for the 2018 Season! 

7. Just food has a new office at the Just Food Farm Barn- Here’s how to reach us.

8. Volunteer with Just Food

Other Community News and Events 

9. À la carte Food Literacy Project wins Award for Innovation

10. Feb 10, March 3,  March 17 | Seedy Saturdays in Almonte, Ottawa and Cornwall

11. Feb 11 | Earth Roots Apprenticeship Program

12. Feb 12 | Organic Gardening for the absentee gardener

13. Feb 13 | Canada’s Agriculture Day in Ottawa

14. Feb 15 | Edibles in the Garden 

15. Feb 19 | USC is Hiring 

16. Feb 24 – 25 | ECO FARM DAY 2018 

17. Feb 24 | Stanley’s Maple Farm Easter Egg Hunt

18. Feb – November | Ottawa Horticulture Society Workshops

19. March 13, 14 & 15 | Ottawa Farm Show 

20. March 21 | The Day Of Forests 

21. March – May | Urban Organic Gardening Seminars with COG 

22. April 9 | Organic Seed Production Course with COG 

23. July 14 – 15 | Eco Sphere Ottawa Expo/ Foire écosphère à Ottawa-Gatineau


If you received this monthly newsletter from someone else and would like to receive it directly, sign up here. If you have a food or farm-related event or issue that you would like posted on this newsletter, send a request to info@justfood.ca.

Although all volunteers and community partners of Just Food want to ensure Ottawa has a vibrant, accessible, sustainable food system, we have many diverse perspectives on how to get there. Just Food welcomes this diversity and believes that it is through working collaboratively with different opinions that we will arrive at a healthy food system for all. Any information that Just Food sends can include information from different community members and community partners and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Just Food.  If you ever have a question about any information listed here, please do not hesitate to e-mail info@justfood.ca or call 613-824-7771.

Just Food News and Events



1. March 12, 19, 28 | 10 Metre Diet – Backyard Food Production




2. March 13 | Permaculture Workshop

Facilitator: Bonita Ford
What can nature teach us about gardening? How can we (re)design our gardens to optimize resources, make less work for ourselves and be more ecologically friendly? In permaculture, we learn to “design like nature”, drawing on simple principles from the natural world. These include: work with nature, start small and slow, emphasize multiple functions, create redundancy, promote beneficial relationships, use renewable resources, cycle resources, maximize diversity and edges, work with evolution, and be creative. Learn about permaculture principles and various ways to apply them in our gardens, as well as permaculture design examples in the garden. This session will include discussion and a small group exercise. Organized with the Community Gardening Network, with Just Food.
Registration appreciated but not required. Email to register at: natalia.snajdr@ccochousing.org
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation, 464 Metcalfe St

3. April 29 | Celebrate Just Food’s 15th Anniversary!


4. Food Distribution Options enhanced at Ottawa Food Hub 

Food Distribution options enhanced at Ottawa Food Hub

Mountain Path and Just Food are pleased to announce the completion of a critical project.  Between January and October, 2017, we worked hard to accomplish two major achievements:

Designed traceability systems and required protocols to integrate new, full product traceability features into the existing HACCP compliant systems already in place at the shared hub facility and with certification to GFSI standard.  A mock recall test at completion of this project was achieved within 45 minutes.

Designed and implemented training across all Hub facility users, including businesses within the Ottawa Incubator Kitchen, focusing on topics of recall, communications, new traceability equipment, Food Safety and Quality Control, and Process Control.

This project was critical to ensure continued and enhanced retail options for Eastern Ontario regional product including grains, fruit and vegetables and processed items.  Of particular focus were new businesses incubating within the Ottawa Kitchen component and the growing Ottawa Food Hub, which is focused on increasing regional producers’ access to retail stores and institutional purchasers.

This project was made possible through financial supports from the McConnell Foundation Regional Value Chain program, which strengthens the ability of regional supply chains to make healthy, sustainably produced food accessible to all people. This project was also funded in part through Growing Forward 2 (GF2), a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. The Agricultural Adaptation Council assists in the delivery of GF2 in Ontario.

For more information, please contact moe@justfood.ca

For more information on the Ottawa Kitchen, click here.

5. Ottawa Seed library – Gearing up for the 2018 Season! 

The Ottawa Seed Library is gearing up for another great growing season! Seed saving takes time and energy all year, and we are always looking for individuals to help grow the library in a multitude of ways. From seed packing to saving, event organization and workshop delivery, we rely on volunteers, members and generous donations to make sure seeds are received, grown and distributed all over the Ottawa area.

If you or someone you know would like to get involved, contact us at seeds@justfood.ca or check out our webpage http://justfood.ca/seed-saving-projects-and-events/the-ottawa-seed-library/

6. Community Garden Development Fund 2018 – Taking Applications Now!

Are you interested in starting a community garden or enhancing an existing garden?
If you are then you are a great candidate to apply for a grant through the Community Garden Development Fund!
Community gardens can take a variety of shapes, sizes and models.  Gardens that have large plots, small plots, or gardens that work primarily kids, adults, newcomers to Canadas, and more are all possible projects for the Community Garden Development Fund.
If this is of interest to you please check out the CGN Section on our website, or reach out to Jordan at communitygardening@justfood.ca for more information.


7. Just Food has a new address and phone number! 

We’ve moved into permanent office space in the newly renovated Just Food Farm Barn and our contact information has changed a bit. We want to make sure everyone knows!

New Address: 2391 Pépin Court, Ottawa, ON, K1B 4Z3

New Phone Number: 613-824-7771

Like us on Facebook here.

Follow us on Twitter here.


8. Volunteer with Just Food

Just Food is excited to announce new volunteer opportunities, including office positions, events volunteers, promotions and communications, photography, farm maintenance and more.
If you are interested, please fill out this short survey to let us know the types of volunteer work that interest you, and your availability. We will get back to you asap.

Other Community News and Events

9. À la carte Food Literacy Project wins Award for Innovation

The Ottawa Public Library’s (OPL) ‘à la carte’ Food Literacy Project won the Minister’s Award for Innovation in the Large Library Category at the Ontario Public Library Service Awards at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference in Toronto, last week.

This initiative makes food literacy a part of OPL’s diverse programming, and positions the public library as a key community resource and partner for accessible food-related information and programming that can lead to health, economic, and social benefits.

Tim Tierney, Chair of the OPL Board and Councillor for Beacon Hill-Cyrville ward, said, “This high level of innovation came to fruition through OPL’s leadership. The Library brought strong local and community partners together to deliver fresh and novel programs to raise food literacy in our city.”

Partners of this project range from city-wide organisations such as Ottawa Public Health, MarketMobile, and the Ottawa International Writer’s Festival, to community organizations such as Parkdale Food Centre and Just Food Ottawa. Local and Ontario-based chefs, authors, bloggers, gardeners, and entrepreneurs have joined OPL at the table to feed the conversation on healthy, affordable, sustainable eating and help promote a better understanding of how we are connected to the food we eat and grow.

Click here for more information on the program.



10. Feb 10, March 3,  March 17 | Seedy Saturdays in Almonte, Ottawa, Perth and Cornwall

Sat Feb 10, 9 a.m – 3 p.m: Almonte Seedy Saturday, Almonte Civitan Hall, 500 Almonte Rd. Featuring  the opportunity for people to come together to exchange information and to buy, sell or trade interesting and unusual heritage varieties. Seed exchange for seeds and extra plants, cuttings, books, magazines, pots, trellising, tools and/or gardening supplies. In the exchange, for each item donated another can be taken home. Larger items equate to a few extra goodies per item. If you forget to bring exchange items and still want to partake, a small donation (ie. $1 ea.) would be appreciated.

Sat. March 3, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m: Ottawa Seedy Saturday, Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre (Britannia Beach). Featuring talks, an organic market and lots of cool seeds!

Sun. March 4, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m: Perth Seedy Sunday, Civitan Club, 6787 Highway 43). Free admission, free workshops on a variety of garden topics. Lunch available! For full details and more information visit www.perthfarmersmarket.ca or www.facebook.ca/perthfarmersmarket

Sat. March 17 10 a.m. to 3 p.m: Seedy Saturday Cornwall, Benson Centre, 800 Seventh St. West, Cornwall, ON K6J 0A3. Featuring exhibits from seed, seedling, and sapling vendors, community and home gardening groups, and local farmers’ markets. There will also be a “Seed and Garden Tool Swap” table and several hands-on garden activities throughout the space.


11. Feb 11| Earth Roots Apprenticeship Program

Friendly reminder that Earth Path and Rivers and Roots are hosting an Open House this Sunday, February 11 from 2-3 pm at Just Food Farm (at the barn, 2391 Pépin Court, east Ottawa), for those interested in taking our Earth Roots Apprenticeship program, a course for educators, parents, and nature enthusiasts (including teens 15+), keen to deepen their nature knowledge, wilderness skills, and creative mentoring skills. RSVP (Isabel@EarthPath.ca) if planning to attend.



12. Feb 12 | Organic Gardening for the absentee gardener 

Away at the cottage or travelling during the summer—no point in planting an organic garden!  Think again: Rachelle Gendron of Our Little Farm (www.ourlittlefarm.ca) will let you in on tips and tricks for the absentee gardener—from watering to the timing of plantings.

Click here for more information. 

13. Feb 13 | Canada’s Agriculture Day in Ottawa 

Join Agriculture More than Ever for an all-day event for Canada’s Agriculture Day in Ottawa on February 13, 2018!

Click here for more information.

14. Feb 15 | Edibles in the Garden 

Join the Nepean Horticultural Society with guest speaker Mary Reid (Green Thumb Garden Centre) for  ‘Edibles in the Garden’ – incorporating edible plants into your flower garden.

Click here for more information. 

15. Feb 19 | USC is Hiring 

USC Canada is hiring for work in their head office and overseas. Click here for more information.

16. Feb 24 – 25 |ECO FARM DAY 2018 

Please note, Just Food will be at the trade show.


Keynote: Mary Howell and Klaas Martens, organic mixed farmers, owners of Lakeview Organic Grains in New York, and regular contributors to ACRES USA

Feb 24: Keynote address, 40 exhibitor trade show, organic lunch and a dozen workshops relating to plants, livestock, and soils.

Also a reception dinner and screening of the new documentary Modified, by Aube Giroux, in partnership with Transition Cornwall+ and All Things Food.

Feb 25: ALSO JOIN Canadian Organic Growers for one of two full day, intensive and participatory workshops:

  • Polyculture Livestock: Synergizing multiple livestock species into a single pasturing system, with veterinarian Dr Hubert and Suzanne Karreman, of Reverence Farms and Café.
  • The Permaculture Market Garden: Apply Permaculture principles without jeopardizing production, with Zach Loeks, author and farmer at Kula Permaculture Farm.

Check www.ecofarmday.ca and www.facebook.com/cogosochapter and www.twitter.com/ecofarmday for details and updates




17. Feb 24 | Stanley’s Maple Farm Easter Egg Hunt

Children and adults alike delight in meeting the Easter Bunny and helping him find his eggs. Join in the fun and pile aboard the wagon for a ride out to the Sugarbush. Hunt through the bush in search of the Easter bunny’s lost eggs, and add them to your basket. Family fun for all – and each child leaves with something special!

Click here for more information: http://stanleysfarm.com/family-fun/easter-egg-hunt/

18. Feb – November | Ottawa Horticulture Society Workshops

From drystone walls to container gardening – check out some of these great gardening workshops offered throughout the year!

Click here for more information: http://ottawahort.org/events/

19. March 13, 14 & 15 | Ottawa Farm Show 

The Ottawa Valley Farm Show (OVFS) is Ontario’s longest running agricultural trade show. From the beginning, it has been organized by farmers for farmers on a non-profit basis. Join them this year to check out their exhibitors and seed show!

Click here for more information: http://ottawafarmshow.com/history/

20. March 21 | The Day Of Forests 

March 21 is the International Day of Forests – will you celebrate? Let’s make our cities greener, healthier, happier places to live!

Click here for more information: http://www.fao.org/international-day-of-forests/en/


21. March – May | Urban Organic Gardening Seminars with COG (local chapter)

Where: The Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St W, Ottawa

When: Saturday mornings – March 10th, April 14th, May 12th 9:30am-1:30pm. Seed Sale to follow at 1:30pm.

Topics include:
Growing Organic Vegetables, Herbs & Edible Flowers, Container, Small Space, and Labour Saving Urban Garden, Starting Seeds Indoors and Out, Soil, Compost, Garden Planning Workshop, Garden Diagnosis & Organic Garden Management of Pests & Diseases, Extending the Gardening Growing Season, & Winterizing, and Seed Saving.

22. April 9 | Organic Seed Production Course with COG 

Want to learn more about producing organic seeds? Want to learn about their commercial production, harvesting, quality, marketing, breeding and more? Want to build your own business following your own unique seed-farm business plan?

Click here for more information: http://www.cog.ca/our-services/seedproductioncourse/


23. July 14 – 15 | Eco Sphere Ottawa Expo/ Foire écosphère à Ottawa-Gatineau

Foire écosphère: environment et écohabitation: la première année à Ottawa-Gatineau

En collaboration avec la Ville de Gatineau et le Festival du Chanvre cherchent des exposants et conférenciers pour leur foire le 14-15 Juillet à Gatineau.

Pour plus d’information, visitez https://foireecosphere.org/


Ecosphere Canada: environment and green housing, is having their first Ottawa-Gatineau expo.

They are looking for speakers and facilitators for their event on July 14-15.

For more information, visit https://foireecosphere.org/en/

If you received this monthly newsletter from someone else and would like to receive it directly, sign up here.  If you have a food or farm-related event or issue that you would like posted on this newsletter, send a request to info@justfood.ca.

Although all volunteers and community partners of Just Food want to ensure Ottawa has a vibrant, accessible, sustainable food system, we have many diverse perspectives on how to get there. Just Food welcomes this diversity and believes that it is through working collaboratively with different opinions that we will arrive at a healthy food system for all. Any information that Just Food sends can include information from different community members and community partners and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Just Food.  If you ever have a question about any information listed here, please do not hesitate to e-mail info@justfood.ca or call 613-699-6850 x10.


Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program