City Staff are presenting proposed updates to the Use and Care of Roads Bylaw at this coming Thursday’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Meeting to address growing food in the residential boulevard.
In preparation for this meeting, Peoples Official Plan Plant Strategy Working Group met last week to discuss a collective approach to our asks for this bylaw update.
Here are the 5 key updates we are still seeking as part of this bylaw update:
- Increase plant height restrictions to allow for greater selection and varieties of plants grown in the residential boulevard, while still respecting safe sightlines.
- In setback areas, restrict plant height (recommended to 60cm) instead of restricting plant type (i.e. allow for plants other than turfgrass).
- Restrict the use of chemicals in the residential boulevard.
- Provide a mechanism by which residents can plant their own trees in the residential boulevard, with an approval process; increase variety of trees offered through Trees in Trust.
- Decrease setbacks for permanent structures/non-moveable containers where there’s no sidewalk from 1.5m to 1.0m
We recorded the presentation from March 18th Click here to view [approx 30 mins]
Can you take any of these next steps to support residents growing food in their residential boulevard?
1) E-mail your City Councillor:
- Use this e-mail template to send to your City Councillor before March 26th
- Find your City Councillor’s information here
2) Share widely!
- Get your circles mobilized to send letters of their own!
4) Looking for more detail?
- Check out these documents for additional information:
- a) Residential Boulevard Bylaw Update: Requested Changes
b) “Why I care” – prepared by Nadine O, for inspiration
- a) Residential Boulevard Bylaw Update: Requested Changes
5) Have questions or need support?
- E-mail communitygardening@justfood.ca with:
– any questions or comments you have
– details if you have set a meeting with your Councillor
– if you are interested to sign up as a delegate on March 27th
– request for support on writing letters, delegating, speaking to Councillors, etc
We have come so far and can win this!
Please share amongst your circles and spread the message far and wide!