A Word on Organic…

At Just Food we want to give you the most accurate information possible for you to make informed food choices. In this guide you will notice that several farms have listed themselves as CERTIFIED ORGANIC. This means that these farms have had an independent organic inspector visit their farm in the last year to confirm that the production methods they use are in line with the organic standards determined by one of the certifying bodies in Canada. You will notice that there are other farmers who have listed as ORGANIC (not certified). This means that they market as using production methods that are in line with the organic standard yet have chosen not to go through the certification process and no inspector has visited their farm. At the beginning of 2009, all farmers using the term ORGANIC in their marketing will need to be certified through the CFIA if they are planning to sell any of the products inter-provincially (for example, Québec farmers selling their products to Ontario) or nationally. Farmers who sell their product intraprovincially (Ontario farmers selling within Ontario) can market their products as usual, keeping in mind that any use of the word ORGANIC opens their farm up to the possibility of inspection from the CFIA. Future editions of the Buy Local Grow Local Food Guide will list farms as ORGANIC only if they have been certified.

For more information on the new Canadian Organic Standards, please visit the CFIA website at: www.inspection.gc.ca.


Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program