Contact Us

Send us your questions, comments, ideas, and more!

Phone: (613)-824-7771 (voicemail only)

If you know who you’d like to contact, please contact directly:

Community Gardening Network Coordinator

Financials Coordinator

Kate Veinot, Director of Operations & Neighbourhood Planning or call (613)-296-1144

Moe Garahan, Executive Director or call (613) 600-7636

Just Food
2391 Pépin Court
Ottawa  ON
K1B 4Z3

How to get to the Just Food Community Farm – Bus, Bike, Car

How to get there – By OC Transpo Bus

From the West:

  • Take the LRT East to Blair, or a bus to Blair station
  • Take bus #25 Millennium
  • Get off at the Innes/Tauvette bus stop.  That is the corner of the Just Food Community Farm.
    • The entrance is on Pépin Court, 3 minutes walk West from the bus stop.

From the East:

  • From Place d’Orleans take bus 35 or 39 to Blair Station
    • Take bus #25 Millennium, it’ll drop you off right outside of Just Food Community Farm
  • Alternatively take bus 39 to Blair, then bus 28 Blackburn Hamlet.
    • Get off at the Innes/Tauvette bus stop.  That is the corner of the Just Food Community Farm.
    • The entrance is on Pépin Court, 3 minutes walk West from the bus stop.


How to get there – By Bicycle

Bike racks on-site for 5 bikes by the red barn. We need more. if anyone would like to donate some, we’ll take ‘em!. Please contact

Bike Ottawa Maps


How to get there – By Car 

Free parking on site in the parking lot past the red barn.

Careful: No parking on Tauvette!

From the West: 

  • Take the 417 East, taking the Chemin Innes Road exit. 
  • Turn left onto Innes Road/Ontario Regional Road 30 
  • Turn left before the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass that goes to Orleans, which is also called Innes(!)
  • Take the first left onto Pépin Court, then immediate right into the driveway of Just Food Community Farm

From the East:

  • From Place d’Orleans take St Joseph Blvd to Orleans Blvd
  • Continue following Orleans Blvd until you reach Innes Road, turn right
  • Turn right immediately after crossing the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass
  • Turn left onto Pépin Court, then immediate right into the driveway of Just Food Community Farm


Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program