What is Food Futures?
Food Futures is a team of dynamic, passionate changemakers representing Algonquin/Ottawa’s youth voice for food and farming issues. Together we develop and apply our skills and gifts to build a vibrant food future we can be proud of- one that centers social justice, equitable access, sustainable practices and community engagement! Join now to harness your voice and passion to drive real change.
Empowered youth gather, learn and strategically act on interconnected food and farming issues, positively impacting the future of food in the Algonquin/Ottawa region.
Key Objectives
- Understand food justice issues impacting the Algonquin/Ottawa community from a food systems lens
- Advocate for municipal policy change to strengthen community food resilience
- Foster lasting connections with local community partners and peers on food and farming issues
- Build critical transferable skills
Food Futures is right for you if you are interested in...
- Building resilient food futures
- Learning about food and farming issues
- Expanding your social and professional networks
- Improving your strategic and critical thinking
- Building transferable skills (i.e. public speaking, negotiating, research, campaign building)
- Delegating to City Council
- Putting your ideas into action
How Does it Work?
Youth Council (ages 18 - 25)
- 5 hour monthly commitment, which includes a 2 hour in-person meeting
- Influence municipal food policy
- Delegate to City Council
- Collaborate with youth, community partners & professionals
- Build transferable skills
Youth Food Crew (ages 18 - 25)
- Engage on a drop-in basis
- Attend seasonal Food Futures events
- Build professional and social networks
- Develop skills
You bring a unique voice to this work and we want to hear it!

Reach out to youthaction@justfood.ca