Your Ideas are Needed to Help Design Just Healthy Neighbourhoods in Ottawa

Your ideas are needed to help design Just Healthy Neighbourhoods in Ottawa before Council votes in March.

WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 2020 from 10:00am – 4:00pm
WHERE: 1701 Woodroffe Ave, Hall A, Nepean Sportsplex
ACCESSIBILITY: Bus tickets and childcare cost available to those with participation barriers
RSVP: Please register here. Registration is required.

On February 22nd, city-wide organizations are holding Just Healthy Neighbourhoods: an action-oriented event sharing information and ideas on how Ottawa can be a sustainable city without expanding the urban boundary.

  • Bus tickets and a small amount of childcare cost will be provided for those with participation barriers. For more information, please contact Khulud Baigat at
  • Vegetarian lunch will be provided
  • Presented by Healthy Transportation Coalition in collaboration with Just Food, City for All Women Initiative, Ecology Ottawa, the Federation of Citizens Associations, Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, and Healthy Transportation Coalition 

Photo credit in featured image: David Doran

Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program