Steps for New Coordinators


Are you a new coordinator?

Welcome to the world of community gardening!
We are here to support you on your new journey as a community garden coordinator.

Please read through the following steps to take as a new coordinator!

Follow these steps:

1: Contact the Community Gardening Network Coordinator

Send us an e-mail at to let us know you’ve joined the team!

Please provide the name of the garden you are joining, your e-mail address and your phone number.

You will then be added to our Coordinator Newsletter list, and will receive an invite to join our Coordinator discussion platform FoodChat.

While this session overall is geared toward starting new community gardens, there is a ton of information presented that will be helpful for you on your new journey as a coordinator.

Click here to sign up for the next available session.

In this workshop, you will get a better understanding of the range of supports available to you and your fellow coordinators (and gardeners).

All community gardens within our network are required to follow organic practices. The below resources will help ensure that you and your gardeners are only using approved substances and adhering to Canadian organic standards.

When you reach out to the Community Gardening Network Coordinator, they will send you an invite to join FoodChat. This is an invaluable resource for coordinators to connect and share experiences.

Once you have accepted your invitation:

  • Add a profile photo and update your bio!
  • Introduce yourself in the pinned discussion
  • Explore the discussions that are already going on
  • Check out the wide array of resources for coordinators found under “Documents”
  • Add new photos of your garden!


Start-up Farm Program

Just Food established the Start-Up Farm Program to support new farmers in the Ottawa region. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business.

> Read More about Just Food’s Start-up Farm program