This page provides the details of the zoning provisions on Urban Agriculture in Ottawa.
Definition: Urban agriculture – means a garden for the production of plants including vegetables, fruits, grains, flowers or herbs and includes a community garden. (agriculture urbaine)
Urban agriculture is permitted in almost all zones in the city except for certain industrial zones or rural zones where agriculture is already a permitted use.
Here is the definition and zone provisions for urban agriculture from the Zoning By-law.
Urban Agriculture (Sec. 82)
Sec. 82
(1) Urban agriculture must comply with the following provisions:
(a)the cultivation of plants for consumption may only be undertaken on lands having soils suitable for food production; (Please see Just Food’s soil testing guide for information on how to test your soil and for which contaminants)
(b)no building or structure developed exclusively as part of urban agriculture is permitted except in accordance with the following:
(i) maximum building height is 3.5 metres;
(ii) minimum front and corner side yard setback is 3 metres;
(iii) setbacks from all other lot lines are a minimum of 1.2 metres;
(iv) maximum lot coverage is 20 per cent; and
(v) despite Subclause (i), the maximum height of a greenhouse in a non-residential zone is 4.5 metres.